A fellow gatherer of the intellectually esoteric and the culturally unique, if not completely entirely significant, we bring you Joseph Gurl's Magnificent Melting Object
Hungry? If you can't find what you're looking for here, TBH recommends Lola's Soups of Insanity at Cheating Death Once Again.
Straight talk, interesting observations and a real cool layout at so she says...
Follow along with "Josi's top ten emotional states of 2000" with your hostess, girl in black
Young kaycee nicole has put together a site she calls Living Colours which is not only inspiring but proves we think that you don't need to be old to be wise. Fight on, kaycee.
[Addendum: Not only inspiring, but completely fake, it seems. Read all about the hoax here. Guess TBH fell for it. At least we weren't alone -- NYT article, an overview from BigWhiteGuy.]
Charles Bukowski wrote, love is a dog from hell, and here's one blogger's variation on that theme.
Got mail from monde over at thraam transmissions, discorporate (reincarnated as involution), where TBH was indoctrinated with a good deal of fanfare into the oddbloggers web ring. In the wake of Y2K, our ranking as the nineteenth blog to be granted oddblogger status appeals to our sense of the retro.....19.....19.....19......we like it....could be a mantra....or the title of our next album....might have to rename the site. We are honoured.
You've seen him on TV, now visit The Horny Goat, who resides in The Band's old stomping grounds of Pittsburgh, PA.
If you enjoy the stylings of the Goat-man, he points us to speechtherapy, here expressing valid opinions on the Mind-Numbing Brain Death that is Television. (....but we're not biased......*grin*.....)
TBH has no idea what to make of this one, except that it's called Burble and it's odd. Good luck.